Captain Underpants #4: Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants
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The Hilarious Half-Dressed Hero Reveals All!
Tra-la-laaa! He's a caped crusader who dresses in jockey shorts. He battles evil with "Wedgie Power"and always wins! He's Captain Underpantsa sensational superhero and the star of four terrific books. In his latest adventure, Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants, the kooky crime fighter takes on Professor Pippy P. Poopypants, a mad scientist who shrinks Jerome Horwitz Elementary Schooland is determined to take over the world. Jamie Levine of was fortunate enough to talk to the heroic Captain Underpants about his amazing life.
Barnes & Did you always want to be a superheroor did you just "fall into" this job?
Captain Underpants: I've fallen into a lot of things in my life, but this job was not one of them. I was born to wear underwear and fight crime!
B& Did you have to undergo any special training to be a superhero?
CU: All you need to be a superhero is a heart that is pure, a mind that is strong, and underwear that is fresh!
B& You're always smiling! Don't you ever get irritated at George and Harold for causing so much trouble?
CU: No, those two boys have been a real help to me. I think every superhero needs a good sidekick. You know, Batman has Robin, Superboy has that flying dog thingy with the cape, and I have George and Harold. The only thing is that "George" and "Harold" don't sound like good names for superhero sidekicks. I've tried to talk them into "Fleegle" and "Buttercup," but, well, they're stuck in their ways, I guess.
B& How has all the publicity you've received from starring in Dav Pilkey's books changed your life?
CU: Well, I get recognized all the time. In the old days, when people saw me coming they often ignored me (or screamed). Now, they know my name and ask for autographs. They've always got requests, too, like, "Will you give my husband a wedgie?" It's great fun!
B& Do you have any dreams of starring in movies like some of your fellow superheroes have?
CU: Maybe.... I'm not sure who could play my part, though. Obviously, Leonardo DiCaprio is the first actor to come to mind (the physical resemblance astounds even me!), but I'm not sure he'd be up to the stunt work.
B& Who's your favorite superhero?
CU: Me! If I've learned anything from Whitney Houston, it's that "learning to love yourself is the greatest..." uh, something something something....
B& What do you like to do in your spare time (when you're not fighting crime)?
CU: A crime fighter's job is never finished! But on my breaks, I enjoy swimming and bowling (often at the same time, which really annoys the guys down at the bowling alley).
B& Don't you get cold running around in just your underwear?
CU: Nope. Wedgie Power keeps me warm!
B& Do you have any advice for kids who would like to join in your fight for "Truth, Justice, and all that is Pre-Shrunk and Cottony"?
CU: Yes. See my answer to your second question.
B& Well, thank you, Captain Underpants. I know you have plenty of bad guys to catch and millions of other things to do, so I'll keep this and just say that it's been a pleasure meeting youand that you're an inspiration to everybody who wears underpants!